A study on the mediating effect of the meaning of work in the effect of person-job fit onjobsatisfactionintermsofvocationaleducationfortheKoreanelderly
Longitudinal Effects of Health Status on Changes in the Use of the Elderly Long-Term Care Insurance System of Older Adults in Korea
A Study on the Gender Sensitivity of Korean Public Officials and Public Institution Employees: Focusing on the Interaction Effect of Gender and Rank
노인의신체적, 정신적, 경제적, 가족관계건강과재가서비스이용변화간의관련성
The moderating effect of resilience on the effect of the caregiving burden of primary caregivers on depression: targeting primary caregivers of elderly people who use a day care center
노년기결혼지위와성별에따른 가족관계와정신건강의차이
A Study on the Mediating Effect of Self-esteem in the Relationship between Aging Anxiety and Depression
Double Mediating Effects of Child Relationship Satisfaction and Self-Esteem on the Relationship between Satisfaction with Income and Life Satisfaction by Divorced Korean Elderly
Changes in adaptation after divorce over time among korean older adults: Focusing on sex differences
Determinants of Participation in Vocational Education and Training for Korean Middle-Aged Career Interrupted Women in Korea
The mediating effect of basic vocational competency in the effect of self-esteem on job search skills of Korean middle-aged job seekers
A Study on the Predictive Variables of Divorce and Differences in the Quality Of Life According To the Matter of Divorce in Old Age
The Mediating Effect Of Growth Mindset On The Relationship Between Self-Esteem And Depression In The Elderly Koreans
Influence of discrimination experience and disability acceptance on life satisfaction:Focusing on comparison of elders with disabilities with adult with disability
Actual participation status in occupational education and training by Korean middle aged workers and factors determining occupational education and training
성인장애인의사회인구학적특성, 건강특성, 장애특성에따른차별경험의차이
노인장기요양기관(시설급여) 평가의품질관리를위한평가지표개발및다층평가시스템방안
Differences in the perception of birth policies by the middle aged and the elderly in China
The issues of the evaluation system of Korean long-term care facilities and measures for improvement
장기요양기관(시설급여) 평가의효과성검증
부부친밀감과가족지지가노년기배우자부양의식에미치는영향: 중년세대와노년세대의비교를중심으로
Difference of quality of service of care worker and quality of life of elderly people according to evaluation of long-term care institution†
노인의빈곤지위와신체적건강, 정신적건강및사회적건강과의관계
A Study on the Suicide Ideation Reduction Strategy of the Elderly with Suicide Risk
A Study on Moderating Effect of Anger in the Relationship Between Jealousy and Relational Aggression
The Effect of Career Future of University Students for Meaning in Life: Mediating Effect of Emotional Awareness and Career Decision-making of Self-Efficacy
A study of Meaning Making and Career Future: The dual mediation effects of Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Emotional Awareness
청소년들의 심리적 안녕감과 정서조절능력이 섭식태도에 미치는 영향: 정서조절능력의 조절효과
청소년의 유해업소, 유해물질 및 유해매체가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
청소년의 또래에 대한 애착 및 사회적 기술이 인터넷 게임중독에 미치는 영향
결혼이주여성의 성역할 고정관념과 성 허용성이결혼생활 만족도에 미치는 영향
삶의 의미가 대학생의 진로미래에 미치는 영향: 정서인식 명확성과 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과
Effect of Academic Attitude on Academic Satisfaction of College Students in China: Indirect Effect of Sincerity and Conditional Indirect Effect of Gender
Effects of Social Support and Hope on Life Satisfaction of College Students: Moderated Mediation Model of Only-Child Status
The Double Mediating Effect of Job Stress and Psychological Commitment between Organizational Incivility and Job Satisfaction of Child Care Teachers in Korea
평생교육기관 직장인의 조직소통과 긍정심리자본이 직무성과에 미치는 영향에서 조직 무례경험의 조절된 매개효과
보육교사의 심리적 소진이 감사성향을 경유하여 주관적 행복에 미치는 영향에서 그릿의 조절된 매개효과
평생교육 강사의 프로티언 경력태도와 경력몰입이 직무만족에 미치는 영향: 성장 마인드셋의 조절된 매개효과
조직 무례 경험이 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향: 직무스트레스와 직무만족의 이중 매개효과
Effect of depression on suicidal ideation of high school students in Korea: Mediating effect of gratitude and moderated mediating effect of growth mindset
The Effects of Participation in Lifelong Education, Political Efficacy, and Citizenship on Quality of Life: The Moderated Mediation Model of Growth Mindset
The effect of depression and fandom activity on life satisfaction in adolescents: Moderated mediation effect of grit.
Moderated mediation effect of hope on the relationship between academic procrastination, psychological wellbeing, and problem behaviors in adolescents
Moderated Mediating Model of Growth Mindset in the Relationship between Self-Esteem, Gratitude and Career Decision Self-Efficacy
Effects of Depression, Suicidal Ideation, and Gratitude on Flourishing of High School Students: A Moderated Mediation Model of Growth Mindset
대학생의 인권침해경험이 행복에 미치는 영향: 희망의 매개효과와 성장 마인드셋의 조절된 매개효과
중고등학생의 우울과 자살 생각의 관계에서 가족 결속력의 조절효과
Dual mediating effects of job stress and gratitude on the relationship between organizational incivility and life satisfaction of child-care teachers: a moderated mediation role of grit
The dual mediating effect of mindfulness and hope between gratitude and happiness of high school students in Korea: the moderated mediation effect of the growth mindset
The relationship between job stress, job satisfaction, and turnover intention in childcare teachers: a conditional direct and indirect effect of gratitude
노인의 희망과 성공적 노화의 관계에서 외모관리행동의 조절효과
노인의 신체상과 성공적 노화의 관계: 성장 마인드셋과 그릿의 이중 매개효과
The influence of mindfulness and gratitude on the happiness of high school students: grit's moderated mediation model
The Influence of Organizational Incivility and Job Stress on Childcare Teachers’ Turnover Intention: Moderated Mediation Effect of Gratitude
The Relationships between Body Image, Hope, and Successful Aging of Elders: A Moderated Mediation Model of Appearance Management Behavior
The Effect of Job Stress, Emotional Commitment, and Job Satisfaction on Child-care Center Teachers’ Turnover Intention: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Grit
The Effect of Job Stress and Psychological Burnout on Childcare Teachers’ Turnover Intention: A Moderated Mediation Model of Gratitude
Gratitude influences happiness through mindfulness in Korean high school students: the moderated mediation model of grit.
Depression and happiness of high school students: the dual mediating effects of suicidal ideation and gratitude
The Relationship between Organizational Incivility and Job Satisfaction of Child-care Teachers: The Multiple mediating Effect Model of Job Stress
The Dual Mediating Effects of Job Stress and Psychological Burnout between Experience of Incivility in the Workplace and Child-care Teachers’ Intention to Leave
A Dual Mediating Effect Model of Gratitude and Self-esteem in the Association between Depression and Career Decision Self-efficacy
The Effect of Gratitude and Mindfulness on the happiness of high school students: The Moderated Mediation Model of Growth Mindset
The Effects of Stress and Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention of Workers: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Organizational Communication
The effects of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention on expected outcomes of startup: Moderated mediation effect of growth mindset
청소년들의 가정학대 경험과 우울감의 관계에서 교사관계적응의 조절효과
The Effect of Workers’ Smartphone Addiction on Depression: Dual Mediation of Growth Mindset and Impulsiveness
The Effects of Domestic Abuse Experience and Stress on Depression of Adolescents: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Teacher Relations
The Dual Mediating Effects of Self-esteem and Hope in the Relationship between Boss’s Incivility and Life Satisfaction
Relationship between Body Image, Growth Mindset, Grit, and Successful Aging in Korean Elderly: Moderated Mediation Effect of Hope
The effects of stress and self-esteem on life satisfaction of high school students: The moderated mediation model of growth mindset
The Effects of Growth Mindset and Self-Directed Learning on Organizational Effectiveness of Workers: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Grit
The Dual Mediating Effect of Hope and Growth Mindset in The Relationship between Marital Relation and Children’s Happiness
노인의 신체이미지와 성공적 노화의 관계에서 성장 마인드셋과 희망의 이중 매개효과
Employment Stress and the Happiness of Korean University Students: Multiple Mediating Effect of Growth Mindset, Grit and Hope